A new recipe each week!

Though the change in the calendar year doesn’t automatically mean a “reset”, I am big on new year’s goals. I love looking back on the year prior and setting goals for myself, both personal and business.

The natural downtime on the farm in January helps me to really focus on what I want the year to look like for myself but also for my businesses.

I love cooking, but in recent months I have found myself in a bit of a “rut”. I lean into my favorites heavily, even though I have ample cookbooks and recipes. In 2024, I committed to making one new recipe each week, or 52 new recipes for the year.

There are obviously many possibilities, so my goal needed more specifics.

  1. Each new recipe will be a main dish - breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

  2. Every recipe needs to be new to me.

  3. Bonus points if it helps me to use veggies from the freezer and / or my canned goods. During growing season, fresh veggies!

  4. More bonus points if it helps me to support other local farms!

I am hopeful that this goal will help me to dig farther into the plethora of cookbooks in my kitchen and hopefully help us to find some new favorites.

I have learned for myself that in busy seasons I sometimes need to push that “easy” button. Yes, even we eat frozen pizzas! It is my hope that this delve into new recipes will help me to find more dishes that are relatively easy to throw together in a short amount of time.

I know I love Crockpot meals so I’m hopeful that this exploration will expand my horizons into more slow cooker meals. I also own an Instapot but I never use it, so I feel this is a chance for me to dive further into that realm as well.

In my years of setting new years resolutions / goals, I have learned for myself that if I set goals that are achievable and enjoyable, I am more likely to achieve them. It is easy to over-commit to something that simply isn’t possible in one year. I am excited about the possibilities with this recipe exploration!

Below you will see some of my “go to” recipes, including a garden egg bake, kabobs, Crockpot salsa chicken, homemade pizza , and veggies for fajitas!


Unintentionally starting my recipe goal!


What’s new at the farm in 2022?